Tips on Handling Criticism as a Caregiver

Being a family caregiver for a senior loved one is tough enough without hearing complaints about your efforts. You sacrifice your time and energy to help, so whether it comes from friends, family, or even your special senior, it hurts. If you’re a primary caregiver for an aging loved one, Calgary Home Care has five time-tested tips to help you manage others' criticism. Evaluate Comments Objectively Criticism can feel personal regardless of the critic’s intent, but it's often meant to be constructive irrespective of how it sounds. Before getting defensive, take a deep breath and a step back, review what was said, and consider if the critique has merit. Leave the Past Behind Caring for someone you love is a very personal mission, but no relationship is perfect. Family dynamics easily color communication between siblings, and that can make criticism feel like rejection. Emotional pain from disagreements long ago and extensions of other issues from the pas...