Importance of Vitamin C & Its Role in Healthy Aging

Importance of Vitamin C & Its Role in Healthy Aging

"People take vitamin supplements to get the nutrients that the body does not receive from the foods they eat. There are a variety of vitamins, and each one provides a specific nutritional value. Older adults need vitamins because their bodies have gone through various changes that make taking supplements necessary. From vitamins, A through K, and maybe even higher, vitamins supply the body with what it needs to remain healthy and ward off certain health issues. Vitamin C is found in many foods and is an important vitamin that serves many purposes.Calgary Home Care throws some light on its importance;"

Things to Know

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is water-soluble, and best known for the role it has in supporting a healthy immune system. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the repair and growth of tissues throughout the body. Vitamin C can help heal wounds, and help maintain healthy bones, skin, teeth, and cartilage. As an antioxidant, this vitamin helps fight the free radicals in the body, and this may help delay or prevent certain cancers. It also helps prevent heart disease, and it promotes healthy aging. The vitamin C from the foods you eat can lower the risk of cartilage loss in people who have osteoarthritis.

Why It Is Important?

Many people take vitamin C to help ward off colds. Although it may not keep people from coming down with a cold, it could lessen the duration of the cold when taken in high doses. There is an abundance of sources of vitamin C that go far beyond the typical orange or orange juice. There are many fruit and vegetables that supply the vitamin that includes many of the foods that older adults enjoy eating. Many of which can be eaten raw or cooked, and are healthy to eat for a snack in between meals.

Another important fact about vitamin C, especially for older adults, is the role it plays in the synthesis of collagen. This is the protein that is used as the building block for connective tissue all over the body. If the body does not have enough vitamin C it will have an effect on the elasticity of the skin which can attribute to an enormous amount of wrinkles when one reaches their golden years. The skin will have less ability to support the healing of wounds, and will not be able to produce scar tissue all of which are important to older adults.


Older adults can delight in the fact that their skin is still supple, and that they have fewer wrinkles than the grandparent of the early part of the last century. More emphasis is being placed on the role that certain vitamins play in the aging process. Being healthy is the focus of the lifestyle changes that older adults, and younger people too, are making to live longer and healthier. Vitamin C has always been the most popularly used vitamin, and now with the recent results from various studies, it has been proven to be beneficial to elderly adults, and how many of them are aging well and healthy.

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