
Showing posts from May, 2020

Importance of Vitamin C & Its Role in Healthy Aging

Importance of Vitamin C & Its Role in Healthy Aging "People take vitamin supplements to get the nutrients that the body does not receive from the foods they eat. There are a variety of vitamins, and each one provides a specific nutritional value. Older adults need vitamins because their bodies have gone through various changes that make taking supplements necessary. From vitamins, A through K, and maybe even higher, vitamins supply the body with what it needs to remain healthy and ward off certain health issues. Vitamin C is found in many foods and is an important vitamin that serves many purposes. Calgary Home Care  throws some light on its importance;" Things to Know Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is water-soluble, and best known for the role it has in supporting a healthy immune system. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the repair and growth of tissues throughout the body. Vitamin C can help heal wounds, and help maintain healthy bones, skin, teeth, and car...

Benefits of Reading as in the Golden Years

Benefits of Reading as in the Golden Years From the early years of childhood, children learn the fundamentals and importance of reading. This skill continues to grow as people get older, and learn that reading has many benefits including relaxation. A good book and the mind can take a reader anywhere they want to go. They gain knowledge, inspiration, and insight from the words written on sheets of paper. Adults read for comfort and lose themselves in the pages of their specific genres. Older adults find that reading is a special hobby that they can engross themselves in while learning, or just enjoying a good book. Calgary home Care throws some light on the importance of book reading in the Golden years. Reading has many benefits for the older adult besides being a favorite past time. This hobby is like a friendly companion to an elderly adult. It can reduce anxiety while being very entertaining. Seniors can lose themselves in the many twists and turns that writing usually take...