Importance of Vitamin C & Its Role in Healthy Aging
Importance of Vitamin C & Its Role in Healthy Aging "People take vitamin supplements to get the nutrients that the body does not receive from the foods they eat. There are a variety of vitamins, and each one provides a specific nutritional value. Older adults need vitamins because their bodies have gone through various changes that make taking supplements necessary. From vitamins, A through K, and maybe even higher, vitamins supply the body with what it needs to remain healthy and ward off certain health issues. Vitamin C is found in many foods and is an important vitamin that serves many purposes. Calgary Home Care throws some light on its importance;" Things to Know Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is water-soluble, and best known for the role it has in supporting a healthy immune system. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for the repair and growth of tissues throughout the body. Vitamin C can help heal wounds, and help maintain healthy bones, skin, teeth, and car...